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The History of Rome in Gaming

As we approach the Steam launch of Romans: Age of Caesar on April 27th, we wanted to discuss Rome (or Roma as Aaron likes to say it) and its hold on our lives and imagination. Through its influence across law, architecture, trade, military tactics, art and craftsmanship, ancient Rome has its hold on developers worldwide.

In today’s video feature we’re incredibly excited to talk about why the Eternal City of Echoes and the empire that blossomed from its industrious seed came to be the setting for our latest and most ambitious online game, Romans: Age of Caesar. Gaming is unique in its capacity to allows players to actively engage with historical settings, making your experience far more personal as a result of being active participants, instead of just passive observers.

While every genre chooses different dimensions of Roman civilization to examine, we’re particularly interested in bringing to life architectural, economic and political planning needed to transform a city on the southern Italian peninsula into an continent-spanning empire that lasted for centuries through natural disasters, civil wars, barbarian invasions and power-hungry tyrants.

Likewise, the advances in technology have meant that in every aspect, from music and design to visual art and gameplay, the ways in which we can artistically recreate and represent Roman life has evolved over the years, with new avenues for technical experimentation while building upon the classic city-building heritage that Firefly Studios is known for.

We can’t wait for you to get your hands on Romans: Age of Caesar for free on Steam on April 27th! Stay tuned for more upcoming information about Romans, the Stronghold series and the future of Firefly Studios.

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